Blood Sugar

Why is Blood Sugar Balance So Important?

Why is Blood Sugar Balance So Important?

How much do you know about blood sugar balance? On this show, Karolyn interviews Lise about this important topic. Understanding blood sugar and blood sugar balance is key. Finding ways to balance blood sugar is absolutely critical when it comes to reducing risk of many illnesses including cancer. Lise will provide practical advice on how to help balance blood sugar levels to achieve optimal health.

The Importance of Balanced Blood Sugar Levels

The Importance of Balanced Blood Sugar Levels

Blood sugar imbalance can be dangerous to health. On this show, blood sugar and diabetes expert Dr. Beverly Yates shares how she has helped thousands of people get control of their blood sugar. Dr. Yates created the Yates Protocol which is a comprehensive, integrative approach to balance blood sugar and help people who are struggling with their type 2 diabetes. If you have blood sugar issues, you won't want to miss this show!