
Easing Anxiety Naturally

Easing Anxiety Naturally

These are difficult times we live in and some people are struggling more than others. On this show, Karolyn talks with mental health expert Tara Peyman, ND, who utilizes an integrative, natural approach to treating anxiety with her patients. There is no need to struggle in silence. Help is available. Dr. Peyman will describe practical strategies to help ease anxiety naturally. If you or someone you love is struggling right now, you won't want to miss this show!

An Integrative Approach to Preventing Suicide

An Integrative Approach to Preventing Suicide

Join us on Five to Thrive Live! with guest, James Greenblatt MD, integrative psychiatrist who specializes in an integrative approach to mental health. This show will provide a unique perspective on anxiety and depression in the face of the suicide epidemic. We will also discuss how to harness integrative strategies to lower the risk of suicide.