5 Ways to be Positively Opportunistic throughout Your Day

The word "opportunistic" can have dual meaning. On the one hand, it simply means to take advantage of opportunities but it can also mean to exploit those opportunities without moral principle. While illnesses like cancer are opportunistic in an exploitive way, people with illnesses can be opportunistic in an entirely different and positive way.

A key component of being positively opportunistic is to follow the advice of that old cliché: It’s the little things that add up that can make a big difference. So, here is how to be positively opportunistic (with 5 examples to follow):

Think about the opportunities you have to make healthy choices throughout the day.

Choose more low calorie bites than high ones
Compare the calories per bite of the foods you are considering and choose more bites that are low calorie compared to those high calorie bites. If most of the time you choose that low calorie bite, you can treat yourself on occasion.

Get some sunshine
Have you had your vitamin D levels checked? Even if you haven’t, there is a chance you may be deficient. There are two great vitamin D choices we can make: get some sunshine and take a vitamin D supplement.

Stand and stretch every hour
If you sit at your desk for long periods of time, set a timer on your phone or your computer that encourages you to stand and stretch every hour. We have many opportunities to move throughout the day and this is definitely a case where the little things add up.

Sip and refill
Are you drinking enough water? One of the best ways to rejuvenate your body is to keep it hydrated. Have a glass or water bottle full of fresh water near you to sip and refill it several times throughout the day.

Do good for someone else
Think about something good you can do for someone else. When we give of ourselves, we are in rhythm with our innate altruistic nature. And the beauty about giving is that when we help others thrive, we also thrive in the process.

This list is just the tip of the iceberg! Give some thought as to the many other positive choices you can make throughout the day. You are bound to find several. It’s time to THRIVE and be opportunistic!