Critical Covid-19 Update

A personal message from Lise and Karolyn, creators of the iTHRIVE Plan

We realize it can be difficult to “thrive” during such challenging times. But we want you to know that we stand with you and remain committed to being one of your trusted sources of health-enhancing information.

We have both been doing research regarding the Covid-19 virus. Although events are changing rapidly, we’ve decided to devote an entire episode of Five to Thrive Live to dispel some myths and dispense some much-needed information about Covid-19 and integrative health. We will also send updates periodically about how to best take care of yourself and your loved ones during this worldwide crisis. Self-care and the foundational aspects of the iTHRIVE Plan are more critical now than ever before.

After you listen to the show, if you feel comfortable, please share it with others. Here are links where you can find the show:

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Apple Podcasts =
Pandora =]

As we all stay home and practice recommended physical distancing, it’s also important to stay connected with each other in new ways. With today’s technology, we can call, text, email and keep in touch from a distance. Reach out to someone who may be feeling down or isolated. As famed poet and author Maya Angelou said, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”