Cancer Survivors’ Plan for Enhanced Health

Are you one of the 15 million cancer survivors in America? You’ve been expertly diagnosed and treated, but you may be at a loss over what lifestyle measures you can leverage to improve your well-being and keep your cancer at bay. There is help. Dr. Lise Alschuler and Karolyn A. Gazella have a plan for you. They appeared on Dr. Ronald Hoffman's Intelligent Medicine to introduce the iTHRIVE Plan, our science-based program that will take cancer survivors step-by-step through affirmative actions to enhance their health. You start with a detailed questionnaire that is processed via a sophisticated algorithm to yield a concrete plan individualized for you. You are then guided, week by week, through a program of attainable activity goals. What unique physical and emotional problems confront cancer survivors? Can a cancer diagnosis be channeled into a call-to-action for positive personal transformation? What roles do exercise, diet, and stress reduction play in improving survivorship? What’s the evidence that they work? Learn more about iTHRIVE Plan.